Latest Ubuntu Server Packaged With Hyperscale Goodies
It is October, and that is how you know it is time for various Linuxes and the OpenStack cloud controller to get their semi-annual updates of shiny new code. ...Full Article
SoftLayer To Outflank Rivals With Bare Metal, InfiniBand, And Power8
There are many ways for IBM to get to the $7 billion revenue run rate it has promised Wall Street it can hit as it exits 2015. One way ...Full Article
Docker Software Containers Go Commercial
The next wave of virtualization, and one that has the potential to displace hypervisor-based virtualization on Linux platforms, is upon us now that Docker, the software container and application ...Full Article
Google Runs All Software In Containers
The overhead of full-on server virtualization is too much for a lot of hyperscale datacenter operators as well as their peers (some might say rivals) in the supercomputing arena. ...Full Article
AWS Adopts Docker Containers For Elastic Beanstalk
The Docker application container technology that is emerging as a new method of packing and running applications on top of Linux servers has gotten another important blessing as it ...Full Article
Red Hat Targets Apps With Project Atomic And RHEL 7
"The app is king," declared Red Hat's president of products and technologies at the company's annual summit today. Indeed, the focus on applications and how they are ported among ...Full Article